Mercedes-Benz Trucks Achieves Milestone in Electric Charging Testing Mercedes-Benz Trucks developers have achieved a significant milestone by successfully charging a prototype of the eActros 600 at a rate of one megawatt. This groundbreaking test, conducted at the in-house development and testing center in Wörth am Rhein, marks a crucial advancement in electric vehicle technology. The eActros 600, unveiled last year, has been integrated with the newly defined MCS (Megawatt Charging System) Standard, showcasing the company’s commitment to innovation.
Rainer Müller-Finkeldei, Head of Mercedes-Benz Trucks Product Engineering, lauded the achievement, emphasizing the rapid integration of the MCS Standard into the e-truck. This milestone holds particular promise for customers seeking enhanced range and vehicle availability, as megawatt charging at 1,000 kilowatts promises shorter charging times and extended operational capabilities.
Peter Ziegler, Head of E-Charging Components at Mercedes-Benz Trucks, highlighted the significance of surpassing the 700-kilowatt threshold typically associated with MCS charging. The successful test underscores the company’s dedication to providing customers with cutting-edge technology, with plans underway to further refine the MCS technology for series production.
The eActros 600, scheduled for series production by the end of 2024, will offer CCS charging with up to 400 kW initially, with the capability for megawatt charging at 1,000 kilowatts upon availability. This flexibility allows customers to adapt their charging infrastructure accordingly, with retrofit options available for existing models.
The introduction of megawatt charging is poised to revolutionize public charging infrastructure, offering enhanced efficiency and convenience for electric truck operators. With a battery capacity exceeding 600 kilowatt hours and an efficient electric drive axle, the eActros 600 boasts an impressive range of 500 kilometers without the need for intermediate charging. This, coupled with strategic charging during driver breaks, enables the e-truck to cover over 1,000 kilometers per day.
While many of Mercedes-Benz Trucks’ customers’ journeys fall within the 500-kilometer range, the continual expansion of public charging infrastructure remains essential for long-distance haulage across Europe. Megawatt charging presents a compelling solution for demanding applications, underscoring the company’s commitment to driving sustainable transportation solutions forward.