Boeing Releases Third Annual Safety Report

Boeing [NYSE: BA] has released its third annual report detailing the company’s ongoing efforts to enhance product safety, with a particular emphasis on improving its safety culture and collaborating across the industry to mitigate safety risks.

The report outlines progress on long-term initiatives with customers and industry partners, as well as changes Boeing is implementing based on recommendations from a Congressionally authorized and FAA-initiated expert panel.

“We are entrusted with the safety of all those who fly on, use, operate, and maintain our products. Our actions are focused on making further improvements to ensure safety, compliance, and conformance of our products and services, without compromise,” said Mike Delaney, Boeing Chief Aerospace Safety Officer. “Our commitment is to never forget our responsibility to make sure every action and decision brings lasting improvements to the safety and quality of our products and services.”

The 2024 CASO report highlights Boeing’s long-term actions and milestones achieved over the past 12 months:

Safety Culture

  • Following the 737-9 accident in January 2024, Boeing intensified efforts to encourage employees to voice concerns about product and service safety, quality, and compliance, resulting in a more than 500% increase in Speak Up reporting channel submissions in early 2024 compared to the same period in 2023.
  • In 2023, Boeing launched a digital learning platform—Safety Experience at Boeing—allowing employees to learn and apply safety lessons to their work.
  • To build on the “Just Culture Essentials” leadership training introduced in 2021, Boeing launched “Just Culture Guiding Principles” last year, promoting an environment where employees feel safe and empowered to report errors, thereby enabling learning to prevent recurrence.

Safety Practices

  • Established business unit Safety Management System Boards to identify, track, and mitigate risks within their operations.
  • Expanded the use of external safety data sources and collaborated with the FAA to develop machine-learning algorithms to identify emerging hazards and safety trends.
  • Initiated efforts to share additional operational data with engineering teams on the field performance of Boeing products, allowing design engineers to validate that designs are functioning as intended.

Collaborating for a Safer Industry

  • Expanded Competency-Based Training & Assessment (CBTA) programs to five more airlines, reaching a total of nine customers. This training combines essential technical knowledge with leadership skills such as teamwork, communications, and workload management to enhance product understanding.
  • More than doubled the engagements by Boeing Flight Operations Representatives with airline flight crews. These representatives, including pilots and other flight experts, assist aircrews of over 170 global operators in the safe and effective operation of Boeing products.

The full CASO report is available at

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