2023 Report: Global & Chinese Automotive Cloud Platforms

ResearchAndMarkets.com Adds 2023 Global & China Automotive Cloud Service Platform Industry Report. The Rise of Specialized Platforms Sparks Differentiated Competition. As vehicle data grows exponentially, cloud migration becomes inevitable for companies aiming at full digital transformation across the vehicle life cycle. This includes R&D, production, sales, operation, and after-sales services, all integrated through cloud-based data management.

Vehicle intelligence and connectivity are surging, with each advancement in autonomous driving technology increasing the demand for cloud infrastructure. Automakers are investing heavily in cloud services, propelling the market to over RMB15 billion in China by 2022, with a projected 30-40% growth rate over the next five years.

The introduction of dedicated automotive cloud platforms, such as ByteDance Auto Cloud, Tencent Intelligent Cloud, Baidu Auto Cloud, and Alibaba Auto Cloud, intensifies competition among industry giants. These platforms offer similar services spanning R&D, manufacturing, marketing, and supply chain support, with differentiation becoming key to success.

Competitive edges in cloud services are built on basic resource layer services and upper-layer R&D tool chains. Companies like Alibaba and Baidu lead in deploying supercomputing centers, while others focus on providing fully integrated services, such as virtual simulation for autonomous driving or comprehensive autonomous driving development capabilities.

As OEMs shift from resource pursuit to efficiency in their cloud strategies, a multi-cloud approach emerges, where different business types leverage different cloud platforms. This comprehensive report delves into various aspects of the automotive cloud service industry, including market overview, cloud solutions, platform infrastructure, and OEM strategies.

For more details, visit: [Link to the report]

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