Weather Station Exhibition by MOON Kyungwon & JEON Joonho Unveiled at Hyundai Motorstudio Beijing

Hyundai Motor Company proudly announces the Weather Station exhibition by the internationally renowned artist duo MOON Kyungwon & JEON Joonho at Hyundai Motorstudio Beijing, starting May 31, 2024.

Weather Station, an ongoing series of artistic experiments between Seoul and Beijing, explores a post-human perspective on climate change. The exhibition redefines the relationship between humans, non-humans, and nature in the age of artificial intelligence (AI), focusing on coexistence.

Since 2009, MOON & JEON have collaborated to examine the role of art in addressing human challenges and a rapidly changing world. Their work integrates various technologies and mediums, including AI, video, installation art, and drawings, creating multi-sensory spatial experiences. Inspired by Jack London’s 1902 short story, “To Build a Fire (2022-2024)” by MOON & JEON narrates Earth’s millennia-old climate changes from the viewpoint of an AI-generated stone. Participants, guided by the quadruped robot Spot, explore an augmented world filled with unknowns, blurring the boundaries between humans and non-humans.

Another video installation, “News from Nowhere: ECLIPSE (2022-2024),” depicts a lone protagonist’s survival struggle aboard a rescue ship in open sea, addressing fundamental world inconsistencies by bridging reality and fantasy.

“Mobile Agora (2022-2024)” is a participatory platform for discussion and creative collaboration, featuring recycled plastic chairs arranged in a circle. Since 2012, MOON & JEON have partnered with experts in design, architecture, science, and philosophy to propose alternative survival ideas for a rapidly changing global environment.

Hyundai Motorstudio Beijing serves as a cultural and artistic experimental hub, promoting multidisciplinary practices and sustainable development. For “To Build a Fire,” Hyundai Motor Group’s Robotics LAB developed a lightweight carbon monitoring device in collaboration with Professor Sujong Jeong of Seoul National University and BKID industrial design studio. This device, integrated with an automatic control module, is mounted on a Spot robot to measure real-time carbon data and participate in live performances.

Additionally, MOON & JEON collaborated with designer Hyung-jin Kim from Workroom design studio to create a carbon calendar interpreting open data from global cities, including Beijing.

The exhibition runs until February 9, 2025, and includes discussions and interactive events with local experts, enhancing public engagement with a focus on our shared future. More information about public programs is available on the official Hyundai Motorstudio Beijing website: Hyundai Motorstudio Beijing.

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