Sumitomo Electric Wins Hokuto-Imabetsu HVDC Upgrade Project

The Hokuto-Imabetsu HVDC Link, also referred to as the New Hokkaido-Honshu HVDC Link, serves as a vital connection between Hokkaido and Honshu’s power grids, facilitating the expansion of renewable energy, ensuring stable electricity supply, and bolstering the resilience of Hokkaido’s transmission network. Operational since March 28, 2019, this link plays a crucial role in Japan’s energy infrastructure.

Sumitomo Electric, responsible for constructing the underground segment of the New Hokkaido-Honshu HVDC Link, has recently secured the contract for enhancing the link’s capacity. The project involves installing an additional 250-kV DC XLPE cable spanning approximately 24 km within the Seikan Tunnel. This expansion aims to increase the transmission capacity from 0.9 GW to 1.2 GW, reinforcing the interconnection between Hokkaido and Honshu. With this project, Sumitomo Electric will oversee all three DC XLPE cable interconnection endeavors in Japan, including those by Electric Power Development Co., Ltd. and Hokuden Network.

Aligned with the “Long-Term Policy for Nation-Wide Grids – the Master Plan for Nation-Wide Interconnected Grids” formulated by the Organization for Cross-regional Coordination of Transmission Operators in March 2023, this initiative strives to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. Emphasizing the importance of DC XLPE cables in meeting sustainability goals, Sumitomo Electric aims to contribute to the realization of this master plan by leveraging its extensive experience and reliable technology in cable manufacturing.

Project Overview:

  • Transmission Capacity: 0.3 GW
  • Total Cable Route Length: Approximately 24 km
  • Installation Location: Inside the Seikan Tunnel
  • Cable Specifications: 250-kV DC XLPE cable
  • Start of Construction: April 2024
  • Scheduled Completion: December 2027

S+3E, prioritizing Safety alongside Energy Security, Economic Efficiency, and Environmental Compliance, guides these efforts toward sustainable and resilient energy systems.

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