PPG( NYSEPPG) moment blazoned that Peter Votruba-Drzal will come vice chairman-elect, global sustainability, effective incontinently. Diane Kappas, current vice chairman, of global sustainability has blazoned her intention to retire from PPG, effective July 1, 2024.Votruba- Drzal, who’ll report to Irene Tasi, PPG’s elderly vice chairman and principal growth officer, will unite cross-functionally to drive the company’s sustainability sweats, including adding deals of sustainably advantaged products, creating raised value for guests, and reducing the environmental impact of PPG operations.
Votruba-Drzal joined PPG in 2005, following a part as an accoutrements experimenter at the National Institute of Norms and Technology. Throughout his term at PPG, he has held colorful and specialized operation places of adding responsibility, including supporting six different businesses with a focus on employing invention to drive growth. Since 2022, he has led the specialized conditioning for PPG’s architectural coatings and business results businesses. Prior to this part, Votruba-Drzal led the exploration and product development conditioning for PPG’s mobility enterprise in addition to the Automotive and Industrial Coatings parts. Beyond his professional achievements, Votruba-Drzal serves as the board president for the Sarah Heinz House and contributes as an artificial advisory member to Arizona State University’s Sustainable Macromolecular Accoutrements and Manufacturing Center and Michigan State University’s Department of Chemical Engineering and Accoutrements Science.
He earned a Bachelorette of Science degree from Michigan State University, a Master of Science degree from the University of Maryland, and a PhD in Accoutrements Science and Engineering from Northwestern University. “ In addition to continuing to integrate sustainability into all angles of how we operate, PPG remains loyal in our commitment to developing innovative maquillages, coatings, and specialty accouterments and sustainable results that produce value for our guests, shareholders, and other stakeholders, ” said Tasi. “ Peter’s different experience at PPG will further strengthen our capabilities and drive growth in this critical area.
We thank Diane for her numerous important benefactions in sustainability and in several leadership places across PPG, compliment her on a successful career, and wish her all the stylish in her well-justified withdrawal. ” Kappas has nearly 40 times of experience at PPG and held general operation places, including leading the defensive and marine coatings and automotive coatings businesses in the Americas region and functional leadership places in sustainability, manufacturing, force chain, procurement, mortal coffers, and terrain, health and safety( EHS) during her career. An avaricious religionist in diversity, equity, and addition, Kappas was the author of PPG’s Women’s Leadership Council and a launching member of the LGBTQ Council. She was named PPG’s first vice chairman, of global sustainability in 2021. Kappas earned a Bachelorette of Science degree in chemical engineering from the University of Pittsburgh and a Master of Business Administration degree from Duquesne University.