Clean Earth, a division of EnviriCorporation (NYSE: NVRI), and Veolia North America, have executed a long-term collaborative agreement for significant incineration capacity at the new state-of-the-art thermal facility in Southwest Arkansas. The five-year agreement, structured to provide guaranteed access for Clean Earth by Veolia, is a first-of-its-kind in the industry and a positive advancement for the waste management industry and customers as the new facility, opening in 2025, will provide much-needed additional capacity.
This unique agreement solves some of the constraints that have challenged the industry in the past several years,” said Jeff Beswick, President of Clean Earth. “We are pleased to partner with Veolia on an initiative that will benefit our customers and the nation.”
Fred Van Heems, Veolia North America’s President and CEO, said, “Demand is growing across the U.S. for the safe, sustainable management of complex waste streams from the resurgent growth of research and manufacturing in North America. In addition, the facility will provide needed capacity to support contaminants of emerging concern. This agreement provides a solution for the gap in the industry. We have a long-standing relationship with Clean Earth, and we are pleased to work together to solve some of the country’s most difficult environmental challenges at our new facility.”
Veolia’s new facility will be powered by local decarbonizing energy generated directly on-site, North America’s first hazardous waste plant. The power will be supplied by capturing waste heat recovered from a boiler and steam turbine and generating five megawatts of on-site solar power per hour, creating a more sustainable option for the marketplace and benefiting consumers and the public. A plan to reforest nearly 1,500 acres surrounding the property will sequester carbon emissions, provide protection for local habitats, and prevent erosion.
About Clean Earth
Clean Earth’s vision is to create a better future for our people, partners, and planet by turning specialty waste into recycling opportunities. Clean Earth is one of the largest specialty waste companies in the United States providing remediation, disposal, recycling, and beneficial reuse solutions for hazardous and non-hazardous waste and contaminated materials. Headquartered in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, it operates a network of 91 locations across the United States. As a leader in the industry, Clean Earth has the experience and capabilities to provide efficient, effective hazardous and non-hazardous waste recycling and disposal solutions and the business’ ReSolve™ program carries a valuable toolbox of customizable solutions to manage and treat unique per- and poly-fluoroalkyl (PFAS) challenges. Clean Earth’s portfolio of technologies and services touches nearly every industry that generates waste, including energy, infrastructure, commercial, industrial, retail, and healthcare markets. To learn more, visit www.cleanearthinc.com.