Accomplished: Sidus Space Delivers Onboard Computing Flight Hardware as Per Contract

Sidus Space (NASDAQ: SIDU), a multifaceted Space and Data-as-a-Service satellite company, has successfully completed its contract to provide critical flight hardware to a leading European space entity. The delivered hardware, featuring the innovative FeatherEdge edge computing units, will serve as the primary onboard computer for the customer’s spacecraft. The FeatherEdge flight units, a product of Sidus Space, will play a pivotal role in facilitating communication between peripheral hardware on the satellite bus. Additionally, they will act as a robust data handling platform connected to an Earth Observing sensor onboard the satellite. This advanced technology is poised to enable the spacecraft to efficiently process and transmit data while in orbit.

Jeremy Allam, Vice President of AI Products at Sidus Space, expressed satisfaction with the successful delivery of the FeatherEdge flight hardware to their European partner. “This showcases our dedication to offering high-quality solutions for the evolving needs of the space industry,” he remarked. He further added, We eagerly anticipate continuing our collaboration with partners worldwide to advance space exploration and satellite technology.

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